Thursday 25 October 2012

Practising Cuts: 1st Uploaded Video

Here is a video which is where I have practiced making cuts quick and on the correct beats. So here is a mini video, capturing the outtakes of the first filming session of my Music Video whilst I practice and improve my skills on editing.

Monday 22 October 2012

Research Listing

Above is the "to do list" that I used when doing all the research for my music video, as you can see, all of the research is complete. The remaining things I need to do are all the points shown underneath the title Remember. Which is part of the filming process which I am begininng to do.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Picture Motion

At the moment during my media lesson, I am taking a huge amount of photos that I will group together through Pinnacle Studios where the images will create a short video. The images will be of a note pad where I have written down some of the music lyrics to the song, Picking Up The Pieces.

Camera Shots: Extreme Close Up


Camera Shots: Close Up


Camera Shots: Medium Close Up

Camera Shots: Medium Shot

Camera Shots: Wide Shot

Camera Shots: Extreme Wide Shot

Camer Shots

The next few posts will show the camera shots I will be hoping to achieve when filming my music video. I have used photos I have captured during my trip away in Kenya. The following shots will be Extreme Wide Shot, Wide Shot, Medium Shot, Medium Close Up, Close Up and Extreme Close Up.

October Filming Schedule

Monday 15 October 2012

Reply off Paloma Faith Music Store

Emailing Paloma Faith

Here is the email I have sent to Paloma Faith asking for permission to use the song, Picking Up The Pieces, in my music video. I found it difficult to find a 'Contact Us' option to click on to contact them, in the end I maganage to find a way of contacting the company throught the Paloma Faith Official Music Store. Below show the Email I had sent them.

Wednesday 10 October 2012


After plenty of experimenting I hope that this will be my very final attempt of my Album Front and Back cover!